Thursday, April 29, 2010

CLue #5 #6 #7

the dots were so much more difficult than i thought. i had never used dots to render before this. it was fun to try it, it took a lot of time though.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

CLue #2 #3 #4

clue #2 create thunbnails of an object.
this brought back memories from first semmester. it was a nice break from what we've been doing and it was fun. it was also much easier doing it this time around. i knew of neew ways to look at things which helped a lot.
clue #3 create a reading nook
to me a reading nook is a small comfortable space you can be alown to read. i though it would be interesting to have it among the books so why not insert it into the book case itself?

clue #4 adding four colors to three perspective. each color should be in a bifferent place.
this was really fun. it is amazing to me how adding the same colors to different spaces can change the sapce so much. i like the blue book case the best. i think the colors work better it that perspective.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

roof tops

this is a view from one of the studio windows. i was having a bad day and i needed to draw something. this is the first thing that caught my interest without having to leave studio.

its a katie

i supervised am ITS ( international thespian society) field trip, where i took the opportunity to draw katie. who is a costumer at page high school. i wanted to work on my scale people.