Friday, October 1, 2010

reading composition 3

[1] Compare and contrast the cathedrals according to the matrix. To illustrate your post, hand draw aview of your “main” cathedral, scan it and place it at the top of your response. Your written thoughtsshould fully illuminate the questions asked with each cathedral pairing on the website. Cathedrals/website 03.31.08/timelineNEW.htm

Symbol- Florence vs Cologne
The Florence cathedral and the Cologne cathedral both have many symbols but most of them are in fact different. They both stand for different things.
The Florence Cathedral in some ways rivals the Pantheon. Brunelleschi, the designer of the Cathedral, goes to Rome and uses their architecture as precedent for the Florence Cathedral. With this is brings back to classical style in ways keeping in mind humanism, classicism, and man is the center of the universe. Instead of creating something new he is inspired from the past. I believe that it was received by the community because it stands out from what people are used to and expressed a new statement, in a way it is an innovation for people looking to innovate. Its concentration is much more about the form rather than the experience.
The Cologne Cathedral is visually much more gothic. Its main symbol is to portray a heavenly experience. It uses flying buttresses in order to allow more windows to create a sense of dematerialization and verticality in order to make the person feel smaller compared to God. The exterior of the cathedral in a way symbolized people carrying a cross in order to be granted acceptance to heaven.
Both cathedrals have a crucifix form pertaining to the Catholic religion and symbolizing holiness and a way to heaven.

Impression- Florence vs Salisbury
The Florence Cathedral concentrate more on a simple geometric form and uses a classical language where as the Salisbury Cathedral is much more vertical and show many more gothic qualities and it also displaces the classical language. The Florence Cathedra’s palette is much lighter compared to the Salisbury Cathedral. I believe that the Florence Cathedral is much more colorful because it is something new and innovative in a way and the design was chosen by competition where as the Salisbury sticks the what they know of gothic architecture and making a religious experience with its use of flying buttresses, verticality, and stained glass.

Language- Florence vs Amiens
Amiens Cathedrals design concentrates on the standardization of gothic cathedrals, where as the Florence Cathedral bring in a new kind of language concerning form leading to the renaissance. I believe that the Florence Cathedrals language makes more sense because it is moving forward and that is what society is doing at this point. In my opinion the ornamentation in the Florence Cathedral does symbolize change because it is moving away from the rigid gothic style of many other cathedrals and the Amiens Cathedrals gothic ornamentation concentrate on creating a heavenly experience.

[2] This illustration from A Medieval Home Companion depicts woman at work in a medieval interior.Unfortunately, the image is closely cropped so we don’t see much of the rest of the dwelling in which she works. Using Harwood and Roth, complete the rest of the scene using words and images todemonstrate your understanding of the domestic medieval interior .

The domestic medieval life was live slightly through paranoia because of the governmental system at this time. The feudal society demanded fortified places to reside. Which is why the castle because prominent at this time for their safer characteristics such as the wall surrounding the homes (Roth, pg. 305). The residences also did not contain much furniture because of the fear of theft and constant having to pack up quickly and leave. This I probably they there are few things in the interior where the women is.


1 comment:

  1. [1] nice sketch and good comparisons [2]check your clarity on this response, good supporting images
