Wednesday, January 27, 2010


The instructions of this project was to draw five object that meant a lot of us with this we had to illuminat them using only one colored pencil, we could also incorporate text to express what the objects mean to us. There were many important factors to this two page spread such as the composition, the text, the color, and the hierarchy of the objects.
  • For the composition I chose to draw all the objects in the center, it was away of showing this is what is the most important thing on the page.
  • For the text I put a quote for each object that I thought was appropriate for how I viewed it.
  • I chose to highlight my objects with red because it is my favorite color. I colored one thing on each object bright red so that it would pop out and I also filled in the negative space surrounding the object with red to make the object stand out.
  • There is no real hierarchy to my objects, I mainly drew then so that they would fill in the center of the page. I focused more on composition than hierarchy.

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